Saturday, 26 December 2015

and... she likes someone else!

So, to sum up, my latest offline love adventure: She like girls, but she doesn't like me... and, I found out at the office Christmas party that..... she likes someone else after all!

Here is the story: (Maybe play this song while reading, but it's just a recommendation).

Facing a crush when you have been rejected is never easy, but unfortunately, we work together and so, we both got invited to the same office Christmas party. I was secretly fearing that I was going to be given some kind of "biggest loser of the term award" or "worst uncomfortable public love rejection prize" this year at the party after my clumsy attempt to ask "my crush" out while at least 5 other people could clearly hear us through the fake wooden wall that divided my office and the one next door (see "but she doesn't like me" for the full shameful story).

However, I decided to ignore my emotions, push away my social anxieties and go to the event anyway. I didn't care if she was going or not. There were going to be around 100 people at the party and, it was taking place at a newly re-furbished trendy venue on the Brighton seafront. The party was very promising and I didn't want to miss out. Most of the "water-fountain" conversations (or in this case the kettle/Nespresso machine gatherings) at the office that week were predicting a fantastic party with Christmas songs and other pop top chart tunes as the night soundtrack and everyone I knew was going. Why would I miss having a good time for a mildly (although bigger from the inside) heart crack?

I was doing OK at dealing with my office crush rejection on a daily basis anyway. For the past few weeks, we exchanged mostly work-related talks and whether small chats (for those of you who are reading from outside my beloved UK, talking about the atmospheric conditions is a national obsession). Things were going smoothly between us, however, I wasn't sure that I was ready to face her after work hours while alcohol consumption and sexy dancing were expected.

I knew what I had to do that night though. My strategy was going to be easy: "be nice to her, take your distance and avoid any type of romantic approach or puppy eyes or any kind of creepy moves near her". I knew that asking her out again or making any strange emotional-love-related question was completely forbidden and definitely out of place.

The night was going according to my plan. I didn't completely ignore her, we actually talked a bit (about work and the atmospheric conditions, of course...) and we even shared a drink and some innocent laughs at the bar, but I spent most of my night mingling with my colleagues, dancing and laughing. I was looking great, feeling great, talking to everyone and dancing lots. But..

At some point in the night, I bumped into my Canadian housemate at the "ladies" (also a PhD student that was aware of my emotional drama and had offered her emotional support if needed at any point of the night). My made-in-Canada emotional crutches and I decided to go outside for a smoke (no judgements here: I was drinking, pushing deep down my emotions and it was a party and.... Christmas after all....). My housemate had to make a phone call to her boyfriend, who was expected to come to the party, and I decided to go ahead and stepped outside on my own for a minute, the night was going great. What can possibly go wrong now?

As soon as I stepped outside, there it was: My office crush was kissing a guy at the end of the designated smoking area. I froze. I was OK with her not liking me, but I wasn't ready to see her with someone else.

My feet turned around and stepped inside again. "Wait, no! What I am doing? Go outside and ignore her, be better than that!" I said to myself. So, I stepped outside again with the intention of smoking that discussing a piece of nicotine that I had on my hand... but... there they were again, kissing in the dark. F**K!

My feet immediately turned around again and step inside following my wounded heart without the consent of my brain. NO! Go outside, pretend that everything is OK, have that smoke, you can do it! you are a strong woman and it's been a while... you have already accepted your defeat weeks ago... GO! I consciously turned around again and stepped outside with my head up... but... they were kissing.... that was not an innocent drunk kiss... that was a proper full-tongue made-out-session. F**K!

I turned around and step inside again. My back-and-forth, in-and-out silly moves were noticed by my housemate that looked at me funny. She pushed me outside and we joined a group of colleagues that were outside smoking at a table. After my Canadian mate lighted her self-destructive poison cylinder, she noticed "them" kissing at the back and finally understood my strange moves under the door frame.

"Are you OK?" she said while passing me a lighter with one hand and putting the other behind my back touching my shoulder.

"Sure! I´m fine.... a bit drunk maybe!" I said while lighting up my rollie and reciprocating her smile with a lazy attempt of moving up my facial muscles.

When we went inside again, John (of course not his real name), a tall handsome gay guy that knew about my crush, grabbed my arm and pulled me apart.

"If I wasn't gay, you will be definitely my office crush" He said while looking at me deeply into my eyes. He probably saw her (my office crush) making out in the dark and wanted to comfort me.

"You are so pretty and nice, and amazing... maybe you are too good for her...ohhhhh" He said almost singing while winking his left eye. A dance version of Believe from Cher was playing in the background and he matched his last words with the lyrics of the song before the chorus (... and maybe I'm too good for you.... ohhhh....).

I don't remember exactly how the conversation followed, but after a long 20 minutes of self-esteem booster intervention from his side, I was feeling better. He said that he didn't understand why I was single and that she (my office crush) was not very pretty and a bit neurotic anyway... His words make me feel better, but at the same time, I was ashamed of sharing my feelings with my office colleagues... especially because he mentioned that he talked to my office crush about me once.... that made my whole body wrinkled and I felt a stabbing pain on my stomach.

After that, I poorly attempted to mingle again with the rest of the party and dance, but my soul was crushed and my head was starting to feel the "too many gin & tonics" that I had consumed. So, I grabbed my housemate and said:

"Can we go now?"It was nearly the end of the night and half of the invitees was making their way home already.

"Of course honey!" She said grabbing her coat and mine and making a sign to her boyfriend to grab his.

"and for the record... you look amazing tonight" She added. I smiled and gave her a big hug and the three of us made our way home.

And that was it... Sometimes you just need to accept your defeat, but losing a battle doesn't mean losing the war... there is always a light at the end of the tunnel... That might have been the end of my office crush story, but not the end of my offline-dating stories of 2015 as I might have met someone else already.... (well, we sort of knew each other before, but we didn't have the opportunity to share a beer and a dance on a Saturday night...).

Of course, after that many online and offline disasters (you just need to read my blog to get an idea...) I'm keeping my feet on the ground... she is a fellow writer too (much more talented than I am)... but, as Marilyn Monroe said once: "... lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And baby, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soulmate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.."

Never stop believing! Good things come to those who wait!

To be continued...

All's well that ends well! Traffic sign found in San Francisco (2014).

Saturday, 28 November 2015

...but... she doesn't like ME!

After my last post "She likes girls..." you might be wondering what happened with my office crush, so here is the story...

The day after our conversation in the parking lot after yoga, we went for coffee to discuss some work-related stuff but did not talk about our previous conversation in which I asked her out (for a second time this year). However, she was being overly nice that morning, so I understood her kindness as a positive sign.

A week passed and we had many positive/awkward/shy encounters around the office, but no mention of my dinner proposal. I needed to get an answer, but during working hours it is difficult to find the right moment. Finally, one Tuesday morning she was in my office checking out some work thing and I decided to open the topic again. She had her hand on the doorknob and was about to leave my office. Quick, say something now, she is going and the doubt of what her words "let's talk tomorrow" meant was eating me alive.

"So...., do you want to go for dinner with me then?" I finally said as she was opening the door. My heart was pounding. I was sweating. The question just left my body and it was out there again. An awkward silence invaded the room. She turned around keeping her hand on the knob with the door half open.

"Sure, we can do that," She said in a very relaxed way.

WHAT? Did she just say YES? what do I do now? I was not prepared for a positive outcome... Should I propose a day and time now? I'm paralyzed looking at her eyes, I need to say something... what do I say?

"Wait.... if you mean a dinner date then NO, but we can go for dinner as friends" She added. In a microsecond, my mood when from pure joy to deep sadness.

"Sure that sounds good" I said. WHAAAT???!!!??? That is the worst idea ever!!!! I don't want to go for dinner with her as friends, that will be awkward. Me staring at her face like an idiot while she tells me in confidence all of her previous boyfriends/girlfriends stories doesn't sound like a great idea. I was still frozen, paralyzed, no words were coming out of my mouth but my face was probably showing my disappointment after her last sentence.

"Look...." She said while letting go of the doorknob and fully turning around towards me. Nothing good can come after the word "look..." So, I stood up there waiting for the punch in my stomach. Here it comes...

"I'm not dating these days... and it feels great. It is the longest time I've been single and with my PhD and everything.... I can't... I'm sure that you would understand" She said.

"Of course, no problem," I said with a fake smile. My social pride mode just kicked off and I was showing my most happy and understanding face on the outside while everything was cracking down on the inside. Awkward silence again. Keep smiling, and look at the door, maybe she would get the hint and leave.

I want to run and go, but it is my office... Mental note: next time, please ask uncomfortable questions in an open space or at least somewhere where you can find an excuse to leave. I'm not sure for how much longer I can pull off my fake smile... She needs to leave now or I  might crack down soon... Keep smiling...

"... but we can go as friends, or maybe after..." She continued. She needs to leave my office now... I'm very uncomfortable at the moment, I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.

"It's fine, no worries... I'm sorry for asking, I hope that it wasn't awkward, I hope it didn't make you feel uncomfortable." I said pretending to be fine with the outcome of our conversation.

"When you get to your thirties you just have nothing to lose..." I said in an attempt to auto-justify my poor attempt at a dinner invitation.

"I don't have that time anxiety...." She said. What time anxiety? She does clearly not understand my point and I need her to rush out of my office, my tears were about to come down. My eyes started to feel a bit watery. Keep smiling.

"Sure, I understand," I said with a big great fake smile. After another few seconds of awkward silence, she finally got the doorknob again and left. It was done, I tried and fail but... at least I tried.

After she left my office I heard a cough coming from the other side of the wall. Since none of my co-office mates were in that day, the noise could just only come from the other side of the fake wall. A few weeks ago, when I moved into my new common office the first thing that my colleagues warned me about was that the fake wooden wall that divided my office and the next one was very thin and that you could clearly hear everything coming from the other side. It was great for gossiping, one of my colleagues mentioned.

GREAT! I have not only been rejected by my office crush, but half of my department heard the conversation. The office next door was fully occupied that morning... And I guess that my awkward dinner invitation just made it into the top gossip hall of shame this year... I can already see myself collecting the LOOOSER  award at the Christmas party...!!!

Anyway, a few weeks have passed and after a lot of rumination, I have come to the conclusion that "I'm not dating at the moment" is what someone not interested might say in order to not hurt someone's feelings, but if someone is really interested, they will definitely go for dinner. So... She likes girls... but, she doesn't like ME! It's time to move on!

My real-life attempt to find love failed this year and my online dating life seems the only consolation at the moment. I've been chatting with gorgeous goodness on Tinder (I don't know if she is even real or not....) and we have plans to go for a drink soon, so I'll write a full report if that finally happens.

Poster on my wall. My desired narrative of Brighton 2015.

To be continued...

Thursday, 22 October 2015

She likes girls...

So, finally, I got a confirmation a few days ago from my office crush that she likes girls. It was a spontaneous revelation from her side when we were leaving yoga class. My gaydar was right! (Has it ever not been?).

When she mentioned that she "also" like girls, I naively replied:

"Really?" Thinking: of course you do!

"That makes me really sad..." I continued.

It was my opportunity to get some answers on whether I was going crazy and whether the "signs" that I was receiving from her side were all in my mind or if they were real. As I was in a deep state of active relaxation after 2 hours of yoga, I was lacking on inhibitions and felt confident to push for some resolution.

"It makes me sad that you liked girls but rejected my dinner invitation" Shit! Did I just say that? Look down... La La La... How interesting is the floor... How many falling leaves.... Look to the other side now... keep walking.... awkward...

"What?" She said. And then some more awkward silence invaded the car park.

RUN!!!! If I just started running right now to the train station as if it was raining or something she would probably think that I'm less weird than if I claim to get answers from an innocent invitation that happened months ago... RUN NOW YOU MUPPET!!!!

"You mean "that" time...!" She said. What time? Does she remember our completely uncomfortable 1-minute conversation that happened more than a summer ago?

"For the record, I didn't reject you, I just didn't know that it was that type of dinner...." More awkward silence...

"Well, it was..." I don't know if those words actually came out of my mouth or if I just thought them.

"... and then I was busy... and you were busy... and just never happened..." She said while walking towards her car.

"It can still happen if you want" I wish I would have said... but instead a mix between mumble and a "still.... happen" came out of my mouth...

"The ball is in your side... your field... you know..." I said. What ball? What are you even talking about? A sports reference? you don't even like ball sports.... what are you trying to say?

"Right... eh...!" She already unlocked her car and was opening the door. I need to keep moving...  I'm not sure that I want to hear the end of that sentence...  Feet move! Where? to any direction as long as it is far from her.

If she rejects me it is going to be devastating... I'm already having a bad week and the last thing I need is some emotional drama...  

But what if she says yes? I already have my week pretty packed and I have no time (or funds) for going out for dinner... at least until Sunday... We can't have a Sunday date...! I'm working the day after... She is not replying to my incomprehensible clumsy invitation... I can hear the grasshoppers cricket so intensively right now... La La La.... Look down.....

"Let's talk tomorrow?" She said while getting into her car...

To be continued...

Halloween cupcakes. Brighton, October, 2015

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Miss Plan B

As I announced in a previous entry, I decided to go back to online dating after my failures in the off-line dating realm... So I went on a couple of dates with a girl from OkCupid and I'm going to narrate the story here today.

This girl from OKCupid send me a message and I answered a few days later. She was very pretty and we both recently turned 30 so, I decided to meet up with her since we seemed to share the "change of decade" crisis and she seemed to be nice.

We arranged a meeting but she ended up cancelling last minute... I completely dismissed her apology... I'm too old for lame excuses and I don't give a second chance to a stranger. However, she insisted that she was very sorry and sent me multiple messages apologising. I replied at the end due to her insistence and we ended up grabbing a quick drink at the end.

The conversation flowed naturally. She told me that she was working as a business consultant but that she really wanted to be an event planner as she loved to plan and manage business meetings and other types of conference-like things. I, on the contrary, run away from that life as I did work as a marketing manager planning events and hated it. Nevertheless, we seemed to have other things in common (we both love cycling, we both have lived in Brighton for about 5 years and we both speak Spanish). Overall, we had a nice time.

She sends me a text right after the date expressing her gratitude for my time and asking me for a second date. Normally, it takes me a while to get to the point of liking someone, so I wasn't fully sure about her, but she definitely gave me a very good impression.

After several attempts to meet up with no success (this was a bit fishy again), we finally meet up to go out to Revenge with some of her friends (all gay and Spanish). The night was fun, but she seemed to be paying more attention to her friends than to me, so I decided to focus on having a good time and chatting with her friends, dancing and enjoying myself. At some point, one of her friends started to pay special attention to me, I was not particularly interested in her friend, but she was very nice and we chatted for a while. This event made "my date" change her attitude towards me. She suddenly came to me, grabbed me and kissed me as if I was a forgotten toy that she only noticed when someone else pulled it out of the box with the intention to play. I kissed her back, after all, she was very cute and fit and I wanted to enjoy the night, but I knew that something was up with her...

We had a very nice time and we agreed to meet up again over the weekend... However, some of her messages seemed to be very direct but some of them were very evasive... I came to the conclusion that she either had a split personality disorder or there was someone else and I was her plan B... At some point, I got tired of her games and asked her directly about what was going on...

She replied that she had seen someone for three months and that she was quite excited about that other girl... However, I was somehow her backup plan... What I still don't understand is why did she contact me on OKCupid in the first place if she was already seen someone that she really liked...

I guess these days everyone is playing safe by having a plan B prepared and ready in case plan A fails... However, I refuse to play these games... I don't want to be anyone's plan B and, I definitely don't want to have someone else on standby as a plan B either... I'm tired of playing games... but... if you don't play you can't win, or can you?

Lost girly sunglasses! Picture taken in Brighton, August 2015.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Labels... Do they help us to find our selves or can they limit our feelings?

I recently learned from a colleague that in clinical psychology there is currently a debate about assigning labels to diagnose patients. The reason for this is that some research has shown that if a medical authority tells someone that they ARE depressed or anxious, they will incorporate this new label into their identity and therefore, they will be more likely to adapt their emotions or behaviours unconsciously in order to be congruent with their new identity. As a result, "no-labels" supporters argue that labels might limit patients' behaviour and, as a result, it might compromise their future recovery. On the contrary, other research suggests that mental health patients feel relief after receiving a concrete diagnosis as it usually helps them better understand themselves.

This debate has made me wonder if by self-assigning ourselves a label regarding our sexuality we might be also limiting ourselves from feeling different types of emotions and perhaps, from finding love. This label relativism does not intend to question my reader's labels nor even my own, as questioning your own identity is perhaps one of the most stressful processes that a human being can go through. However, perhaps by being aware of the limitations that our own labels bring us, we could be able to expand our views and options in love.

Someone said to me once that, by definition, we are only homosexuals when we are having sex with a person of the same sex, any other time that we are not engaged in sexual intercourse, we could be defined as only humans. Therefore, labels are always a temporal state that lasts as long as the behaviour or emotion last, but despite the fact that we might tend to have a pattern in our experienced emotions, we need to be aware that patterns sometimes change.

As a result, I would like to share some of the available labels within the LGBTQA community in my blog today to make people aware of the wide variety of labels available to self-define your current emotions and behaviours. Be aware that I have left out any typology generated by the media or by the community itself to designate subgroups such as "butch" or "bears" or any other type of stereotypes as they define more a clothing and hairstyle than sexual or emotional preference.

Heterosexual is used to defining anyone that is sexually attracted to people from the opposite sex.

Homosexuality (I think that we might know this one already....) refers to sexual attraction to people of their own sex.

Bisexual defines a person that is attracted to both sexes. There is a lot of debate and misconceptions about the term but they are a strong B in LGBT that holds its own flag.

Asexual describes a person that lacks sexual attraction toward any gender. This term has recently been named the invisible orientation.

Homoemotional defines a person that has a romantic or emotional attraction to someone of the same sex. This term does not necessarily imply also a sexual attraction to the same sex, a homoemotional can be heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual. An example of a blog describing an homoemotional heterosexual experience is here: Growing into Manhood

Homoromantic this term is possibly a synonym of homoemotional as it also defines a person that forms an emotional attachment to someone of the same sex. However, it seems to be used by asexuals that create emotional attachments to someone from the same sex.

Lesbian refers to female homosexuals.

Gay refers to both men and female homosexuals.

Pansexual defines a person that is attracted sexually and emotionally to all genders.

Transexual refers to a person whose gender identity is not the same assigned at birth.

Cisgender defines a person that identifies with the gender assigned at birth.

Queer.... there are people doing entire PhDs on this term, so I will only say that it refers to something that it is away from the social norm and generally refers to any type of sexuality or gender identity that is not heterosexual or cisgender. For more information, perhaps visit the Wikipedia definition of queer or simply start a PhD in gender studies...

If I have missed any labels, please, don't hesitate on writing a comment.

At the end of the day, what matter is not to have a label but to be able to love... 
Picture taken in Melrose Avenue in L.A. in September 2014.

Update on my personal life: 2 online dating applications installed on my phone but 0 dates so far... hitting the bars is also being contemplated...

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

How to overcome disappointment in love and still believe in romance…

It is hard to “Try to sleep with a broken heart” and “Don't stop believin’” in romance at the same time, but as the proverb said "There is no pot that does not one day find a cover”…. 

Love is complicated… sometimes love is only one-sided, sometimes it is just unbalance or it gets sick and dies…. Whatever the case, coping with the emotional pain of having a broken heart is vital for the everyday survival… Moreover, being able to re-generate your heart to be able to love again in the future is even more important. Getting stuck in an old love wound can be very detrimental for your life and happiness and therefore, after some rigorous mourning time, finding the way back to romance should be a mission for everyone who has suffered from a broken heart.

After all, love is, in a way, a mental illness that sometimes can elevate our happiness, but some other times can also immerse us into a deep emotional pain…. Unfortunately, there are no broken-heart doctors, emotional painkillers or rehab facilities when love goes wrong. There aren’t any short-cuts either to forget the one that got away, but there seem to be some popular recipes to overcome love related sadness that I would like to review today:

1. Drink your pain away: Alcohol it is embedded our culture and seem to be prescribed as a remedy for everything. We both celebrate and mourn with alcohol as it is an artificial shot of happiness that ease up internal pain. However, as any short-cut, alcohol can only postpone pain, but it the root of the pain still remain.
There is nothing wrong with some procrastination and with taking things easily, however, alcohol or any other drug, are not a permanent solutions.
Pros: it help you to reach the “I don´t give a F**K anymore” state of mind that helps you to sleep at night.
Cons: It doesn’t cure the root of the pain…

2. One nail drive out another”:  a proverb says and, most people would agree that the best way to get over one woman is to get under another, however there is a poem that summarizes the risks of this strategy if it is overdone:

To forget a miserable love

the girl devoted herself to other (wo)men

now she doesn't remember that love anymore

because she mixes up all of her miseries
(Translated poem)

Para olvidar un amor desgraciado

la muchacha se dio a otros hombres

y ahora ya no recuerda aquel amor

porque confunde todas sus desgracias
(Original poem)

Pros: brings back love excitement into your life
Cons: it can create a mountain of accumulate pain from multiple love miseries if there is not enough time to heal between attempts and new lovers are used as remedies.

My own personal recipe is to embrace the fact that, at least, you have shown that you have a wonderful ability to love and that, even if it didn’t work this time, you have learn and enjoyed the time that you were in love and no one can take that away from you…. 

Moreover, if you have love once, you can love twice (and three times and more… ) because the ability to love is like riding a bike or swimming, once its adquired, it can’t be forgotten, so give yourself some time and try again.

It is true that no other love will be the same, as Heraclitus said about 500 BCE: No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man”. 

Sometimes, you might lose hope on finding happiness in love, but you will never find happiness if you don’t truly believe that there is happiness to be found… At the end, we create our own stories and by having a negative mind-set we can only precipitate negative endings.

 Amazing sunset over L.A. taken from the Getty Museum (September 2014)

Update on my personal story: I still don’t know if my office crush likes me or not or if she is even gay…. However, I invited her a few times to hang out but seems to always have other plans…. Therefore, I am interpreting her busy schedule as “I’m not interested” and I have decided to move on. As a result, after my failed attempt to find romance offline and due to my social awkwardness in the real world, I’m coming back to the online world… I might not find the desired love-story that I am looking for and that the offline world seem to be more able to narrate, but I’m sure that I will be able to collect at least few interesting dates this summer…. Brighton girls, get ready because I’m back online!!!

Monday, 18 May 2015

When your social awkardness gets in your way...

So, if you remember my previous post 'I'm not an emotional robot', I've been having a teenage crush on a girl from work. However, I need to confess that the reason why I have done online dating in the past is due to my uncontrollable phobia of asking "real-life-offline people" out. The fear of real-life rejection has been getting in my way over the years and my poor attempts at asking someone out have been a disaster.

The pattern of my social incompetence in real life goes as follows... I meet a girl (at uni, work or another social context) and I'm able to have a normal co-worker/peer/friend relationship until I realize that I like the person and then, I become a complete weirdo at interacting with her and, of course, at asking her out and so, any attempt of approaching her in a relaxed situation, tent to fail catastrophically.

The current story has followed this pattern. I met this girl at work and, when I realized that I liked her, I became awkward and unable to maintain a normal conversation. I DID ask her out at the end (which was already an achievement) but, despite the fact that she said YES initially, she never set up a date for our dinner. She said that she was busy that week and that we should plan something for the week after... the following week, I asked her again obtaining the same answer...

I let her space and a few weeks later, I interpreted her evasive answers as 'I like you as a friend and therefore, I said YES to your dinner invitation but, I'm not able to set a date since I'm confused about whether you meant a date-date or not'. So, I assumed that if she would have had any real interest in me, she would have to go to the dinner anyway just 'to see what happens'. But if she wasn't interested, she was just going to continue avoiding the dinner and therefore, there was not going to be a date. I made peace with the situation (see video below) and with the "you have NO messages" answer and started to move on Bridget Jones style (see the video below):


However, one day, she came into my office wanting to have a chat with me about a work-related issue. We went for coffee and after explaining to me her work-related problem, she mentioned that she suffers from anxiety and this has created a lot of issues in the past. She mentioned that she wanted to go WITH ME (she stressed these words or at least they sounded pretty loud in my mind) to a concert that I also invited her few weeks after the dinner invitation to perhaps, approach her in a more relaxed environment, but she couldn't go because, again, she wasn't available. I didn't know if I had to interpret her anxieties as an excuse for her partially-rejections to my invitations. I offered her a hug since she was in distress about her work issue and, as I was leaving, I asked her again to go for dinner with me sometime... She (again) said: "Yes BUT, perhaps next week?".

The following week, after not receiving any news about my third (maybe fourth?) invitation, I asked her again informally when I bumped into her in the corridor and added that I was not going to ask her again. She then replied that she really wanted to go BUT  again she was busy that week too, to which I replied "sure, just let me know..."

Weeks passed and the awkwardness of the situation picked... We bump into each other all the time at work but I am unable to ask her again or simply maintain a normal conversation and she seems to be following the same pattern. In the end, I know that there are still a lot of uncertainties in the air to fully understand why she keeps replying "yes, but..." to my invitations... I still don't know if she is gay or bi (however my gaydar says YES quite loudly... but you never know these days....) and I also haven't made a statement about my tendencies either, so she might feel confused about my invitation... 

In any case, my insecurities at talking to pretty girls and my fear of real-life rejection have prevented me from having a normal conversation with her after I asked her out and so, from getting some clarification on her replies. I have been running away whenever I bumped into her at work.... few times, I've managed to initiate small talk but, I ended up running away as soon as she talks back to me...

Today for example, after an intense and award long silence, I asked her about her weekend and when she replied and asked me about mine, I gave a short and vague answer and run away again... What is wrong with me?

Should I go back to online dating due to the fact that I can't ask real-life people out...??? Or should I work on my issues and 'man up' and try to see if there is something there....??? How do you overcome love-related anxieties and shyness???

Advice from my readers might be required.....!!!!

Just like the Brighton Pier these days, I feel "under construction"...

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Desired narratives - What is the story that you want to tell?

Once upon of time...

I'm going to take a break from my stories and reflect on the narrative behind the stories. I normally use this blog to tell my tales retrospectively. This exercise of finding a narrative on our past seems to be something that we all do to evaluate our lives and to find meaning in the randomness and chaos of waking life.

As Steve Jobs once said:

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

This 'approach' of connecting the dots, as Steve Jobs described, is what brings meaning into our lives. We need to firmly believe that 'the dots' will connect because we need to find some meaning to alleviate the stress that the thought of randomness of events brings us. This desire of fitting our past events into a structured set of memories that narrate a story has been researched in social psychology. According to this research, we tend to fit a narrative that defines our identity and creates a sense of self and brings meaning into our life (McAdams, 2011).

And this is basically what I've been doing in this blog, fitting a narrative into my past 'failed attempts' to find love...

Moreover, we are not just driven to find a narrative into our past, but we also fit our future desires into a structured story. As a result, we unconsciously project into the future our inner and deeply embedded narratives and this shape the decisions that we make in the present. I'll give you an example...

A close friend of mine had a crush on a colleague at work and, despite the fact that it seemed to be a reciprocated feeling, she was convinced almost from the beginning that it would not work. This projected fear and visualization of possible pessimistic futures is what, in a way, might have precipitated the end of her story.

Just to clarify, the person from the example is not me, but her story has helped me to self-reflect on my own present and, as a result, I'm trying to identify my own inner desired narrative. What is the story that I want to create?

Our desires narratives are constructed out of our life expectations, desires and fears and they are often part of our own daydreams and thoughts... So, if these desires narratives drive our present decision-making... Can we identify them? Can we shape our desired narratives to our advantage?

Picture taken on the streets of Los Angeles (2014)

As this street billboard suggests, we should decide what story we want to create and go out and live it...

Monday, 6 April 2015

I'm not an emotional robot!

As weird as this statement might sound to my readers (if there is actually anyone really following), I have had this revelation over the past few weeks. For few years now, I considered myself to be a bit of an emotional robot. The reason for this strong self-evaluation of my deep emotions was due to the fact that I was unable to develop deep feelings for any of my online dates. I could developed soft comforting feelings for them but I was never as high in adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine to lose sleep, make stupid things or hold a silly smile and a red flush on my face throughout an entire day.

However, ever since I stopped the online dating world, a strange thing has happened to me... I have a crush on a real offline person... and this feels great!

The bad news on the contrary are that, at the moment, it is yet to be clarify if is a one-sided thing or she actually feels the same way or even worst if she is even gay (of bi) on the first place.... However, I'm very happy to learn that I am not an emotional robot and that I can have a teenager crush even on my very late twenties.

Drawing made by me :)!

According to the ancient Greeks (and they were very cleaver people), there are different types of love defined as follows (the information below has been taken from Wikipedia and other internet resources):

  • Philautia - means "love of the self" and was divided in two types: narcissism, or self-obsession and  healthier version that enhanced your broader capacity to love.
  • Agápe - generally denotes feelings for one's children and the feelings for a spouse, and it can also be described as the feeling of being content or holding one in high regard. This love is unconditional as it is hold whether the love given is returned or not, the person continues to love (even without any self-benefit).
  • Philia - means "affectionate regard, friendship," usually "between equals." It denotes a general type of love, used for love between family, friends, a desire or enjoyment of an activity, and lovers.
  • Storge - means "love and affection" and and refers especially of parents and children.
  • Éros - means love, mostly sexual passion and involved a loss of control.
  • Pragma - means "deep understanding" that developed between long-married couples.It was about making compromises to help the relationship work over time, and showing patience and tolerance.
  • Ludus - flirting, playful affection and feelings of euphoria.

In the past through online dating I was able to experience a mix of Philia with some hints of Éros, however, due to the number of reasons enumerated on my previous post "My off-line off-dating new year's resolution for 2015" such as the building up of feelings from to casuals encounters, I was never able to experience a full Ludus meets Eros and  Philia that affected my appetite and distorted my sleep.

Therefore, my recipe for my readers for finding love (although it might not always be reciprocated) is to stop online dating and to explore offline flirting!

To be continued...
  (possibly with a heart-broken following up post.....)

Friday, 20 February 2015

Tips that we get from "The mathemathics of love"

Watch the video before reading this post :)!

As a social researcher, I truly believe in understanding our reality through the findings of patterns and therefore, I find very interesting the content of the video.

As a dreamer, possibly due to the influence of Hollywood and Disney, I believe that there has to be something more "magical" and "inexplicable" about love....

However, both views are not incompatible (black or white) and are not the end points of a continuum, I believe that the study of the social reality can benefit our understanding of relationship and "the universe" or magic will do the rest....

What are you thoughts? (feel free to write a comment....)

What I find really interesting from this video is the underlying message for dating and relationships within the video.

Tips from Hannah Fry for online dating and relationships:

Embracing a healthy self-concept of your self and your body-image:

1. Display on your online profile whatever it is that makes you different... No one have a perfect body, so don't hide your self... this would work to your advantage!

The patterns of negativity within a relationship predict the future of the relationship. Specifically, having a positive interaction even when disagree is a key for stability... So...

2. Approaching arguments with an open and positive attitude (on both sides) is an important key in any relationship!

The equation for a reaction of the partner in an argument goes as follows:

Reaction of the partner = Mood when the person is alone + Mood when the person is with the other half + Influence of the other half in the person

That last variable seem to be very important. It represent "how annoying" someone can be before the other party gets "pissed off" and this threshold will determine the number negative reactions in an interaction.... So...

3. Understanding what is your threshold of "getting annoyed by someone", how easily do you get pissed off, anger or outrage by someone else interaction with you and how can you broaden this threshold and learn to be more tolerant or take things more easily could improve your current or future relationships.

Perhaps through meditation and observing how your emotions arise could help to broaden your "tolerance threshold" that will ultimately improve your intimate relationships.

The only negative comment that I have for the TED Talk is the fact that they present the research in heterosexual terminology when research in love could be equally applicable to homosexual couples. At the end of the day, in an intimate relationship, the gender or identity of the individuals involved might not play a big role, what matters is the positive interaction among them.....

Monday, 9 February 2015

Is Roller Derby a lesbian-skater new subculture?

My lack of time makes me keep my posts short these days so, I apologize if this is not one of my structured love stories (perhaps the word "failures" instead of the story would reflect the reality better.....).

Anyway, last weekend I had the opportunity of attending for the first time a Roller Derby. I knew about the sport due to the movie Whip it by the gorgeous Ellen Page.

I don't usually enjoy watching sports, but I have to confess that there was something engaging about it that kept me captivated for the whole afternoon (it was a double match but I stayed until the end).

I don't know if it was the excitement of guessing the rules of the game while watching it and trying to figure out the scores or changes in helmet sleeves or if it was the aggressive yet peaceful game dynamic. There was also a lot of strategy and team effort involved due to the fact that one skater, called the "jammer", has to cross the wall made of other skaters before the "jammer" from the other team.

Nevertheless, what really caught my attention was the fact that two ingredients could be found (mixed together or individually) in the players and spectators of Roller Derby: queerness and grunginess. This hinted me the idea that a new subculture of lesbian skaters has been born. The crowd was formed by the overlap of members of two already established subcultures: lesbians and skaters that were also surrounded by their friends and family.

The whole event was super fun and full of surprises such as having RuPaul's song "Cover girl" during the break or the ritual at the end when the spectators came to the edge of the ring to hi-five both teams after the game.

I, as a full-time member of the gay subculture and a part-time follower of the skate culture (Tony Hawk is the only game on the PS3 that I don't suck at it.... I could actually say that I am a pro at skating by pressing buttons....), have decided to become a groupie of Roller Derby and I would encourage my reader(s) to come along too to the next game.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

1 year of blogging... Is there anyone reading?

After almost 1 year of writing my love stories and miseries in this blog, I'm questioning the continuation of my online writing.... yes, it seems that we have reached 1,500 visits, but, is there anyone really reading it? Has it contributed to anyone's acceptance of their sexuality? Has it at least made someone laugh? Has anyone relate in any way with any of my stories?

As usual, I've bitten more than I can chew and I need to compromise something in my life.... doing a PhD in psychology, writing a book and training for a Triathlon on top of my social life and my yoga and meditation practice keeps me pretty busy, so I need some motivation and proof that my time spend in writing this blog is actually making some kind of difference...

Thank you for stopping by....

The humble writer of this blog


 Picture taken from my room in Brighton (2012)