Sunday, 9 March 2014

Unnamed frogs part III - an uncomfortable date at the seafront

Last spring (around May 2013) on a perfect sunny day I went for a drink at the seafront with Unnamed Frog Number 3. We went to Brighton Music Hall, one of my favorite places at the seafront as they always have live music and performances.

We briefly exchanged few messages through Gaydargirls and decided to meet up. Not having any expectations when metting up someone from the online world helps to avoid dissapointment and in this case, it was needed.

The first impression was.... not the best to start with. She was at least 10 years older than her profile pictures... Having honest and up to date pictures helps to create a close-to-reality image of the other person and I have to confess that in this case I was expecting someone younger... 

I knew she was older than me, which it isn't a problem, but by hiding herself, she started the date by creating a feeling of deception when we met....  As "the mathemathics of love" TED Talk recomend, "Displaying on your online profile whatever it is that makes you different... would work to your advantage!" I think that perhaps the date would have started in a more possitive note if I would have seen an uptodate picture of her.

We ordered drinks and I decided to have a glass of wine. Mental note for the future: "Never order wine in a beer bar....". So, I was not able to drink it tasted very soury...

On top of the off wine and picture-reality setback, the conversations just didn't flow... sometimes there is not chemistry, sometimes you are just not receptive to meet new people and some other times the situation isn't appropriate.... this time, the three factors met up and the date was just not right...

We were able to maintain small talk for about 30 minutes, but after a prolonged unconfortable sillence, I think that we both realize that it wasn't going so well and put in place an scape plan.... She was meeting some friends near by and I had to work.... (yeah.... right...)....  and I had to finished some work... (which in my case was true...)

We didn't contact each other again.... that's how it seems to work these days on the online world... you can pretend that the meeting never happen.... However, after few dates like this... you start to lose faith in love....

But at the end of the day, if you don't put yourself out there.... then it is very unlikely to meet anyone... so you need to keep trying without perishing in the attempt, not die trying...
How many dates do you have to go to before meeting somoeone?

 A beautiful sunset at the Brighton Beach

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