Sunday 15 June 2014

My offline dating lesbians stories - My first "one night stand" story

I decided to write today an offline story... not that I've run out of online dating stories yet... but I feel that the ones untold yet are either too long or too boring for a Sunday afternoon.... + this story follows in time "My 'I'm new in town' story"... so in a way, it makes sense to fit it here in the blog...

One Halloween night in 2008, just after moving into Brighton and meeting the PhD student lesbian student, I went out with my new Spanish gay man's kick...

I have a tendency to always have a gay man as a best friend in my life, and in 2008 it was Pedro, a very handsome Spanish guy that was always super positive about life and completely open about his sexuality and me, that I was still struggling a bit with mine, his company and guidelines through the accepting process was very appreciated...

 We used to go out to Revenge every weekend, sometimes it was just the two of us... but some other sometimes we dragged some other people along with us........  anyway, back to my story...

One Halloween "Girls on Top" Thursday at Revenge, I went out with my Spanish gay friend to dance... Since I was young and working in a bar, my tolerance for alcohol was slightly higher than these days... so I think that at least I double the number of recommended units...

I lost my friends and I ended up dancing with this gorgeous-looking blonde girl dressed up as a feminine version of Tom Cruise in 'Top Gun' with a pair of RayBan aviator sunglasses and baggie military-looking pair of dungarees...

We danced and kissed and.... the next thing I remember....  we were on the bus to my place...  It was a fun night with a stranger whose name I quickly forgot the morning after... We exchanged numbers but we didn't contact each other again...

I bumped into her again a few months later at Revenge. She told me that a few days after we met a friend of hers threw her phone on the Thames River... so, she lost my phone number...

Really...? flying phones that end up in the Thames is a common thing that can happen and I should believe her....(?) Well, I was 23 so I did have faith in humanity and I believed her...

We exchange phone numbers again and we meet up the day after for drinks... My friend the zombie M&M from Canada was visiting me that weekend so she decided to invite another gay guy for a double date...

They were both very good-looking, he was a model in London and she was a very attractive photography student at Brighton University.... But we didn't have much to talk about, unfortunately...

My friend the zombie M&M's described the date as Ernest Hemingway meeting with a Bimbo Blonde on his side and I felt a bit the same way... they were not even able to situate Spain in a map and their favourite movie was "The Goonies"... They were not very intellectual material but they were beautiful...

The gay incredibly handsome guy ended up vomiting in the toilet and the pretty blonde had to walked him home as the doorman at the "Pav Tav" kicked him out... and that was the end...

She send me few messages after that night.... but, I was secretly in love with a colleague at work that of course was not gay and showed no interest in me whatsoever... but well... I always seem to choose the wrong person to have a crush on...

Do we choose who we love?

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