It’s a regular Friday night in the city. A lesbian party is being hosted at a straight club and, of course, they have not booked a bouncer for the ladies. The queue for the toilets is exponentially increasing as the night goes on because someone couples are hooking up inside the cubicles.
“That’s a pretty long queue” A gorgeous dreadlocks girl behind me commented.
“Yeah, some people are still living with their parents apparently” I replied in an attempt to be funny.
"What?" She looked at me weirdly.
She probably has not understood that my comment was referring to the people having sex in the toilets. It seems obvious to me that if you need to “copulate” in a dirty public space is because you don’t have a place of your own… but maybe not everyone is as squeamish as I am.
“I mean that you need to be a bit desperate to make up in the bathroom of a club, right?” I responded as if my unintelligible and ludicrous comment from before was obvious to everyone.
I immediately turned around as if my failed attempt to be funny had never happened.
And I wonder why I am single brainy… an attractive girl just opened up a conversation with me and I just turned around ignoring her…???
I looked back again. Our gaze crossed. I panicked and pretended to be looking for someone else behind her.
What are you doing? Say something... keep up the conversation… Let her know that you are interested in continuing chatting…
But my brain was not responding…
Gosh! She is soooo pretty and soooo out of my league!
“Have you been waiting long?” She asked me.
YES!!!! She wants to keep on talking… don’t panic now… keep calm… relax… smile… She is only a human being… a very attractive human being… Thinking back on my comment about having sex in public toilets... I could totally see myself getting physical with dreadlocks girl on the WC right now…
“Longer than my bladder could take!” I responded.
I am stupid? She just opened up the conversation again and I’ve to mention my bladder. What’s wrong with me? If she didn’t think that I was weird before, she totally thinks that I am a moron now… This is going great..., I'm definitely sleeping alone tonight…
“You are funny!” She replied smiling.
“You are funny!” She replied smiling.
WHAT? She thinks that I’m funny???!!!??? My neurons are doing a celebrating dancing in my head right now.
At that point, two girls just left one of the cubicles and the queue considerably speeded up. We chit-chatted for a bit longer. She was a northern social worker and had a very cute accent.
I'm melting right now...
“Eh… soooooo…. before I free my bladder… Can I have your number?" I asked.
I'm melting right now...
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Picture taken at the Marlborough Pub (Brighton). June 2015 |
“Eh… soooooo…. before I free my bladder… Can I have your number?" I asked.
WHAT? Did I just mention my bladder again??? And in the same sentence that I asked her for her number???
“Eh…” She is doubting. I’m sweating.
“Sure” She said in a very chilled way.
When I finished annotating her number, I immediately pressed call. I needed to make sure that she didn’t give me a fake number.
“I’m calling you so you have also my number” I said pretending to be secure of myself.
“Cool!” She said.
COOL??!? She said cool….!!! I could hear party blowers in my head…. WEEEEIIIIII…. !!!
After I peed, I rushed back to my friends. They prevented me from sending her a message straight away…
“You should wait at least until Sunday to text her” One of my friends recommended.
SUNDAY??? That is a full day and a half… ???!!!???
On the night bus home, I took off my phone so I could pretend that I was busy ignoring the rest of the drunken passengers (and of course avoiding any type of eye contact).
I decided to overlook my “party-pooper” (but very rational) friend's advice and text dreadlocks girl a cute good night message. If I wait until Sunday I might have a heart attack...
After 10 long minutes of carefully planning my words, I pressed sent and kept on texting some other friends and acquaintances.
5 minutes later, my phone lit up. I had a message back from dreadlocks girl:
"Wrong message, wrong girl honey! How many other girl's phone numbers did you collect tonight Casanova?"
I went back to my sent messages folder only to find out that she was right! I managed to mix up her phone number with someone else.
Earlier that night one of my friends introduced me to another girl, whose name wasn't even similar to "dreadlocks girl", but who was from my hometown and worked in the same photography-marketing world that I was working at the time. We also exchanged phone numbers, but without any romantic intentions. She wanted to attend a photography exhibition my employer was sponsoring, so I had tons of free tickets to give away. "Photography girl" already had a girlfriend and, in any case, she was very young for me.
As a result, "dreadlocks girl" received the following message:
“Hey Sarah*! It was nice to meet you tonight. I don't know many people from my hometown in the community (Referring to the photography-marketing world). As I said, feel free to stop by my place tomorrow if you want. (We agreed that she was going to collect the tickets for the photography exhibition), I'm sure that you will enjoy it (Referring to the exhibition). I hope that you had a good night too! Talk soon!”
(*Her name has been changed to protect her identity.)
While "photography girl" got the following message:
"Hello, Gorgeous! It was a pleasure meeting you tonight. Would you like to go for a drink sometime? It might be the beer talking, but we connected tonight somehow. Looking forward to hearing back from you! Xx”
F***K! I sent a second message apologizing to dreadlocks girl and explaining the situation.
Few minutes after my phone lit up again. However, it was not “dreadlocks girl” who replied, but “photography girl”:
"I’ll be happy to grab a drink with you sometime. My girlfriend is out of town next week, are you free on Monday?”
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Brighton losing its Wheel while I'm losing my mind. Brighton May 2016. |
PS: This is a true story, but it has a second part...
PS2: In case you were wondering, Carol (from my previous post: Two online lesbian dates on one night! - My Tinder double date story) and I never went on a second date...
How long you keep us waiting for second part? Not so long I hope!