As a social researcher, I truly believe in understanding our reality through the findings of patterns and therefore, I find very interesting the content of the video.
As a dreamer, possibly due to the influence of Hollywood and Disney, I believe that there has to be something more "magical" and "inexplicable" about love....
However, both views are not incompatible (black or white) and are not the end points of a continuum, I believe that the study of the social reality can benefit our understanding of relationship and "the universe" or magic will do the rest....
What are you thoughts? (feel free to write a comment....)
What I find really interesting from this video is the underlying message for dating and relationships within the video.
Tips from Hannah Fry for online dating and relationships:
Embracing a healthy self-concept of your self and your body-image:
1. Display on your online profile whatever it is that makes you different... No one have a perfect body, so don't hide your self... this would work to your advantage!
The patterns of negativity within a relationship predict the future of the relationship. Specifically, having a positive interaction even when disagree is a key for stability... So...
2. Approaching arguments with an open and positive attitude (on both sides) is an important key in any relationship!
The equation for a reaction of the partner in an argument goes as follows:
Reaction of the partner = Mood when the person is alone + Mood when the person is with the other half + Influence of the other half in the person
That last variable seem to be very important. It represent "how annoying" someone can be before the other party gets "pissed off" and this threshold will determine the number negative reactions in an interaction.... So...
3. Understanding what is your threshold of "getting annoyed by someone", how easily do you get pissed off, anger or outrage by someone else interaction with you and how can you broaden this threshold and learn to be more tolerant or take things more easily could improve your current or future relationships.
Perhaps through meditation and observing how your emotions arise could help to broaden your "tolerance threshold" that will ultimately improve your intimate relationships.
The only negative comment that I have for the TED Talk is the fact that they present the research in heterosexual terminology when research in love could be equally applicable to homosexual couples. At the end of the day, in an intimate relationship, the gender or identity of the individuals involved might not play a big role, what matters is the positive interaction among them.....